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Talia al ghul




































Elle a indubitablement commis des actes criminels, cependant, ils l'ont ete par loyaute envers son pere plutot que par interet personnel.Elle tue et ranime Talia de nombreuses fois jusqu'a ce qu'elle lui soit entierement devouee.Bane, quant a lui, devint un mercenaire redoute et resta jusqu'au bout au service de Talia.Ses methodes ne sont cette fois plus nuancees: Talia n'hesite plus a tuer ou handicaper pour parvenir a ses fins.En cas de reutilisation des textes de cette page, voyez comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence.Ayant decouvert leur union, le chef de guerre condamna le mercenaire a la prison a vie, jusqu'a ce que sa fille le supplia de prendre sa place, par amour.Son pere, a la tete d'un puissant empire criminel mondial, considere ce dernier comme l'homme ideal pour epouser Talia et devenir ainsi son heritier. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Talia al Ghul ? Wikipedia

talia al ghul
Image source: vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/revision/latest?cb=20150807113936&path-prefix=fr

Talia's mother later died of a drug overdose.When Jason woke up inside the Lazarus Pit, he tried to escape, and Talia attempted to shoot him; however, Ra's had wanted Jason alive and stopped her from killing him.With efficient training and technic, Oliver became the Emerald Archer.She is too much of a perfectionist to forgive her son for defying her like this, and tells Damian he is no longer welcome in the House of al Ghul.A new world will be born, one of peace and equality.Our environment chokes on our waste, becoming so toxic that life fails.However, several years later, during The Infinite Crisis, Superboy Prime trying to change reality, resurrects Jason with a reality-altering punch.She allied herself with another pupil that knew and had history with Oliver named Adrian Chase better known as the villainous murder Prometheus, together they sought revenge against him.She intends to have Deathstroke use Damian to kill Dick Grayson, who she sees as holding back her son's potential, though this fails when Grayson utilizes the implant's two-way connection to electrocute Deathstroke.

Son of Batman - Exclusive Clip + Sandman Overture (DCAA 208)

talia al ghul
Image source: dailygeekshow.com

She is the mother of Damian Wayne.Talia al Ghul (originally referred to as simply "Talia") is the daughter of Ra's al Ghul. In her youth, Talia travelled the world with her father learning and adapting his intellect and skills which she proves to. She is an occasional lover and enemy of Batman

Talia al Ghul (New Earth) | DC Database | Fandom

Talia and Ra's travelled to one of his desert bases, but Batman soon located them.A few weeks later, Talia learned she was pregnant and shared the news with Batman and Ra's.Despite Talia's interaction with the new Society, she still behaved lovingly and was almost devoted to Batman.Batman arrived at their hideout and Talia informed him about Ra's death.Seeing no other way to help him, Talia took Jason to the Lazarus Pit and threw his body in while her father was regenerating himself.Dick appointed Damian as the new Robin and Talia continued to aid Damian when he was severely injured, still hoping that he would return to her side.While in Gotham, Talia came across Batman and the two of them worked together to bring down the criminal.She was too much of a perfectionist to love her son after he defied her in such a manner, and Talia declared him no longer welcome in the House of al Ghul. Talia al Ghul — Wikipédia.

Le fils de Batman - VF - Diffusé le 17/10/17 à 00h15 sur FRANCE 4


Talia al Ghul - Wikiwand

Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses the daughter of Ra's al Ghul.

talia al ghul
Image source: i.pinimg.com

The events of Leviathan led to the death of Damian at the hands of his clone, The Heretic, which Talia had created.Injustice: Gods Among Us Injustice Among Us Talia appears as a Support Card in the game.They stopped at a house that crossed their path, and opted to take some horses.The pits have also increased her life span.Despite early disagreement, she seems satisfied with leaving him in Bruce?s care.She and Catwoman then fought, ending when Catwoman stabbed Talia in the back.While at Talia's mansion Bruce and his protege Terry McGinnis discover that there is a truly sinister motive behind Talia's offer.In this episode Ra's plans to infect Coast City with super-powered plants and Talia and Ubu act as his accomplices or sidekicks.Ra's plan would hit two birds with one stone: he would've transferred his consciousness into Bruce's revitalized body and then planned on claiming to be Bruce and Talia's long-lost son and claim control of Wayne-Powers Industries.Such story arcs include The Resurrection of Ra?

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ras al ghul

talia al ghul
Image source: image.noelshack.com

Talia is the daughter of Ra's al Ghul and the heir to his worldwide criminal empire. She has been both lover and mortal enemy to Batman, and is the mother of Damian Wayne

Le Fils de Batman

Talia is the daughter of Ra's al Ghul, the leader of the League of Assassins. She is torn between the love of her father and her beloved, Batman. Talia is a shrewd leader herself, leading the League in her father's absence and being a founding member of the Secret Society of Super-Villains..


Talia al Ghul is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with Batman. The character was created by writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Bob Brown, and first appeared in Detective Comics #411 . Talia is the daughter of the supervillain Ra's al Ghul, the granddaughter of Sensei, the half-sister of Nyssa Raatko, on-and-off girlfriend/lover of the superhero Batman and the mother of Damian Wayne . She has alternately been depicted as an anti-hero and ally to Batman at times.

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